Closet Clean-Out – How to Effectively Declutter

This blog post is closet clean-out 101 and how to actually get rid of clothing you have been holding onto for years.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Do you need to clean out your closet? Is your closet busting at the seams? Or are you adding more to your closet then you are taking out? If you said yes to any of those questions, you have come to the right place.
The post graduate, in your 20s timeframe is the most difficult time to have a productive closet clean-out. Your body is obviously changing and you are finding your style. There are old clothes from high school, small tops from college, corporate clothes, and a million other accessories that have been stock piled for years.
Specifically for me, our closet easily becomes overwhelming since I share it with my husband. He has a large amount of clothes, but nothing compared to me and my side of the closet.
Your closet is used every single day. It needs to be a space that is organized, clutter free, and not overwhelming every-time you walk in.
Keep in mind that this blog post is not “how to organize”! Some of my favorite organizational items are listed because it helps us stay sane, but our closet is no where near perfect. We are constantly picking up clothing, moving shoes, and shoving bags into bags to avoid clutter. Closet clean-outs and organization are a constant work in progress in our household.
3 Tips on How to Organize before you do a Closet Clean-Out:
- Organize clothing by type (see below). This organization style makes it so much easier to build an outfit or find something you are looking for when you are in a rush.
- Work clothing.
- Casual tops.
- Workout tops.
- Dresses.
- Jeans.
- Shorts.
- Skirts.
- Etc, etc.
- Hang up as much as you possibly can in your closet. Don’t shove clothing in drawers, you will go months without wearing something because you did not know it was even in your drawer. Drawers hide clothing and make you forget it even exists.
- Put clothes away instead of throwing them on the ground. To be very honest, I am still working on this one. It does help the organization of the closet and prevent it from becoming an explosion of clothing. Just take the extra 5 seconds and hang it back up.
Picking out an outfit is already stressful enough, at least give yourself the space you deserve to feel confident everyday.
It can also be very difficult to start when you are standing by the door and just see mounds of clothing everywhere.
The big closet clean-out secret: just start.
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Here is Exactly How to Effectively Perform a Closet Clean-Out:
(and actually get rid of stuff)!
1. Purchase Organizers Before.
The worst is starting the clean out process and then having to leave the mess to go to the store to get organizers. If you have to leave in the middle of a clean-out, your work motivation and steam will be gone.
You already know the setup of your closet, so go to the store (or online) and get everything you need first.
Once you start getting rid of clothing or products, it will be 10x easier to put everything away. The after math of the closet clean-out will look and feel so much more satisfying.
TIP – If it does not fit in the new organizer, you need to declutter again!
Affordable Organization Products:
Over the Door Shoe Rack

Floor Shoe Rack

Stackable Drawers

Belt Organizer

Under the Bed Storage (perfect for small apartments!!)


2. Prioritize Seasonality.
If it is winter/spring, declutter summer. Vice versa for summer, declutter fall/winter.
If you are in the middle of sweater season, you are less likely to get rid of any warm clothes because you “might need them”. But, if bikini season is coming, you already know what you wore last year so you can confidently get rid of those items.
Prioritizing seasonality creates the perfect quarterly clean-out for your closet. Each season should be a time to not only refresh your closet with new clothes, but also clean out items you did not wear the previous year.
3. Get a Second Opinion.
There is nothing more humbling than someone telling you that a top is ugly or the shoes won’t match any outfit. However, this is exactly what is needed to actually get rid of clothing items.
It is so hard to part with tops you use to wear everyday, but now are never touched or even close to being in an outfit line up.
Call your husband, sister, mom, or friend to give their honest opinion on if you should keep or donate. (They will also be very honored that you called them for style advice!)
4. Get Rid of Duplication.
You don’t need 4 of the same black top. Or 3 pairs of the same brown sandals.
This is an easy closet declutter because you you technically are not getting rid of anything.
Duplicate closet items are not needed and immediately will free up space. This will also be an opportunity to see what colors or styles that your wardrobe might be missing.
5. Make $$ on Closet Clean-Out Clothing.
If you HAVE to part with clothing, at least make a couple bucks from it.
Plato’s Closet usually takes clothing or shoes that are name brand or only gently worn. My family is always having a garage sale, that is an easy drop-off to make a little money on your clothes.
Girl Math – If you make money on old clothes, you are getting new clothes for basically free.
TIP – After a closet clean-out, take the trash bags straight to the car. Don’t let the piles of clothes stay in the closet or anywhere in the home. There is a slight chance you would never make it to the Plato’s or Goodwill.
6. Replace One Time Purchases.
Everyone knows that one dress that you bought for a bachelorette weekend that you will NEVER wear again.
It has to go.
Not only will you not wear it ever again but it is taking up space for new pieces.
I know you want to argue on the “what if’s” of needing the outfit again. Trust me, you won’t. It is better to get rid of all those you will never wear and spend the $20-50 the next time you need it.
7. Sanitary Legal Limits on Undergarments.
Not sure if legal is the correct term to be using but it is exactly what should be used when talking about undergarmets.
Underwear should be replaced every 6 months to a year. That is the perfect timeframe because it aligns with the closet clean-out schedule.
While you are cleaning out your underwear, look at your bathing suits, bras, socks, pajamas, and workout clothes. These clothing items are used everyday, week after week.
Again, another reason to get out with the old and in with the new (for sanitary purposes)!
8. Don’t rush the closet clean-out process.
Carve out time in your busy calendar to complete your closet clean-out.
If you can only squeeze in a couple hours, that is plenty of time to at least declutter and pull together the bags of clothes to sell/donate. This will at least free up space and feel less overwhelming when you go into your closet everyday.
This blog post was exactly how to effectively have a closet clean-out.
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