How to be Productive After Work

This blog post is exactly how to feel productive after a long work day.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!After an exhausting day at work, laying on the couch sounds GREAT. However, most days you want to feel somewhat productive after work, before going to bed. OR you need to feel a little something before ending the day.
There is also a feeling of tiredness or drained after a work day, luckily all these productive activities are “low intensity“, as a workout instructor would say.
Elevate your evening by focusing on a productive activity that is can be for your mental health, physically wellbeing, or setting your space around you to feel your best.
If you have not read the Morning Routine: How to Wake Up at 5:45am blog post, definitely check it out! This has completely changed the way I approach my evening routine and it drives the energy for the nighttime activities!
Productive does not mean working out until you burn a million calories or cleaning your entire house until it shines!
Productive Activities can be for physical and mental health. Do not be hard on yourself after work, it has already been a long day and you deserve to relax but feel productive.
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Feeling productive after work is a mindset, not an action.
11 Things to do to feel Productive After Work
1. Movement
If your morning routine includes working out, there is still opportunity to do something small to get your body moving. The best evening movement is a walk outside or a quick match of Pickleball.
Me and my husband bought this Amazon Pickleball Set and it has been so fun for the evenings or weekends. It takes less than an hour for you to get a match in after work. You can be as intense as you want to keep it light and enjoy just some paddling back and forth.

Movement can also be a walk around your neighborhood, trail, hike, or on the indoor treadmill. Put on your favorite podcast or playlist and get a 30 minute walk in.
I use to have the mindset that every workout had to leave me sweating and burning 500 calories. That mindset is so toxic.
Do the Hot Girl Walk or the Mental Health Walk. You deserve it after a long work day!
2. Read
There are SO many different authors and genres of books to try nowadays, you are bound to find one that drives your interest. Self help or motivational books are a great ending to your evening (and it these are usually quick chapters).
There are also SO many ways to read a book now too: paper copy, kindle, or audible.
Recently, I have been trading books with my friend at work. We are basically in our own kind of book club. It has been fun reading new books and then sharing each others thoughts.
Reading is so relaxing and is a classic hobby for a girl (or guy) in their 20s.
My recent reads that I recommend:
- It Ends with Us
- Hotel Nantucket
- In Five Years
- One True Loves
Yes, these are mostly romance/drama!
3. Try a New Recipe
This has been a goal this year for our family.
Trying a new recipe is way easier than you think, I use to be SO overwhelmed when I was not making chicken and broccoli.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my basic/easy/no brainer recipes but they get old and boring.
Go on Pinterest or Google and search “Easy Dinner Recipes“, I promise you….there is something for everyone.
The crazy part is that easy recipes normally just involve a sauce to add to the meat or veggies and boom, it is elevated and new.
4. Take a Long Bath or Shower
Taking a bath or shower is the most productive time period in the day. You cannot tell me that you do not get some of your best thoughts or ideas in the shower.
A bath or shower is 100% productive in the mental health category.
Spend however long you want enjoying the bubbles, salts, and hot water. Decompress and wash away the long work day under the steam, you will feel so refreshed.
Let’s be real for a second – you know you will feel 10000% times better after a hair wash, shave, exfoliation shower. So treat your body and take the extra time in the evening.
5. Journal
Another goal this year was to incorporate journaling into my routine.
I try to do it in the morning but we know that is not always consistent. SO, evening journaling is another time to incorporate it into the routine.
Journaling Topics:
- Goals
- Stressers
- What you are Thankful for?
- What are you looking forward to?
- Word of the Week
Current Favorite Journal:

6. Sit Outside
Sounds of nature or sounds of the city.
Again, productive mental health activity.
Take deep breathes, phone a friend, read a book, or simply sit in thought.
It does not have to be for an hour, 30 minutes is just enough time to have a reset moment for yourself.
Sit outside during sunset and you won’t be disappointed.
7. Plan your Next Vacation
Planning a vacation may be stressful for some, but that is only if you are going to book things or buy plane tickets.
Go on Pinterest and look for your next vacation. Dream!
If you have vacation in the plans, you have something to look forward to.
Often times, you are going through the motions or not feeling motivated at work. A vacation (could even be a staycation) gives you something to be excited for in the upcoming future.
8. Meal Prep
LOVE a meal prep for the next couple days.
Meal preps saves money because then you do not buy lunch out and saves time in the morning before work if you are packing your lunch.
Check out my Current Favorite Meal Prep Recipe for Work: Taco Chili. You simply throw everything together.
Pour a glass or wine, get your containers ready, throw on a podcast or playlist, and get cooking!
9. Call a Family Member or Friend
This is a favorite. Calling your mom, grandparents, or a friend you have not talked to in a while is a great pass time. Check in on someone you have not talked to in a while!
It will not only make their day that you called but it will make yours as well.
This is a win win productive activity.
10. Listen to a Podcast
Throw on a podcast and get what you need to get done….DONE. Dinner, laundry, dish washer, whatever you need to do for an hour to feel productive!
My favorite podcast is Gals on the Go, I listen to it on Spotify.
Podcasts are great because there is something for everyone. Also, nowadays, everyone who is famous has a podcast or is trying to start one.
11. Clean out a Portion of your Closet
Pick a drawer or a section of your closet to go through.
Spacing out closet cleaning is way more productive then forcing yourself to clean out your entire closet in one sitting.
For example: go through your pajamas, workout outfits, shoes, or your dresses.
If you are looking for a good closet clean-out, check out How to Effectively Declutter!
This post was how to be productive after work.
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